Executive level

Sales Leadership Accelerator
($1B Sales Leadership Methodology)

The Sales Leadership Accelerator is your step-by-step leadership methodology to build an unstoppable, disciplined, and record-breaking sales team.

This course offers sales leaders a definitive guide on how to build and run a $1B+ sales org and drive record-breaking results with their team without micromanagement or running themselves into the ground.

If you follow this, if you execute this, if you get your all leaders to buy into this – you could transform your organization in 90 days or less. This means better results, more engagement, faster execution, higher quota attainment, and more money in your and your team’s pocket. 

Course details

Enrollment type: Live
Open to: Executive Members


Enrollment Closed. View Course Catalog >>

Kevin Dorsey - Sales Leadership Accelerator

Kevin Dorsey, Dean

Kevin "KD" Dorsey is a believer in focusing on the "person" in "salesperson." 

As he has grown as a leader, he better understands what drives behavior, motivation, and long-term success. If we can make better people, the sales will follow. 

He loves scaling sales teams. He has built multiple teams from 0-150+ reps, revenues from 0-150M+ ARR (and counting), and has been a part of/helped build 2 Unicorns (and is working on his third). He believes in processes and systems, paired with skill development, as the code to success. 

He also loves to share what he has learned and is learning with others. He consults various companies and people as they look to improve their results. He mentors and consults early, mid, and late-stage SaaS companies worldwide. Sharing his playbooks and processes for scaling sales teams successfully.

Connect with KD

Course curriculum

This course is designed for VPs of Sales and CROs wanting to scale. Whether you have 10 reps or 1000 reps, having the proper systems at a LEADERSHIP level is the actual lever for scale. 

Session 1:
Results-Based Leadership Is Wrong


By the end of this class, you will be able to:

  • How to work backward from the result to the actual driver
  • Identify your biggest levers to pull
  • Ask better questions to get better answers from your team/managers  

Session 2:
BIPSY and Establishing the WGLL


By the end of this class, you will be able to:

  • The foundation of a true revenue leadership methodology
  • How to identify what is causing the good or the bad
  • How to study and scale GREATNESS in your org 
  • Leverage BIPSY to build the frameworks and tactical plays to be followed

Session 3:
The 4D Method for Scale 


By the end of this class, you will be able to:

  • Leverage the 4D’s of Scale
  • Create a solid delegation process
  • Get out of DO mode and into DESIGN mode
  • Replicate the WGLL

Session 4:
Leadership Development and Execution


By the end of this class, you will be able to:

  • Create a leadership enablement program
  • Map out the next 90 days of execution and follow up
  • Highlight the essential skills and areas of focus needed for your managers and directors
  • Tactics for managing managers

Expected Results

By the end of this course, you will have the knowledge and skills to be able to:

  • Identify the #1 metric
  • Establish the proper BIPSY Diagnosis
  • Follow the 4Ds to drive behaviors and skills
  • Level up your leaders to implement and execute 


Enrollment Closed. View Course Catalog >>
A group of Pavilion members taking a selfie at a conference.

Course FAQ

This program is included in the cost of a Pavilion Membership. Not a member? Join now.

At this time, this program is open to Pavilion Members only. Join Pavilion to enroll for free.

This course is in between sessions. Stay tuned.

Enrollment has closed.

Yes, 100% attendance is required. We recommend that participants attend the live sessions for the optimal learning experience.

However, watching session recordings counts towards attendance for those who have scheduling conflicts or are in time zones where live attendance is challenging.

Yes, session recordings are available if you cannot attend live.

There is no final exam required to complete this course.

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