Building Your Retention Playbook

Retention is more than having a playbook telling you when to contact a customer to discuss renewals. Retention is: 

  • Being able to project who will renew and ensure that you renew those who are on track
  • Identifying who is at risk and executing a plan to change that outcome proactively
This 4-week course will give you the tools to impact your Retention at your company today so you can stop the costly hamster wheel of reactive “save campaigns.” Prepare to roll up your sleeves and get some work done!


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Jan Young - Build Your Retention Playbook

Jan Young, Instructor

Jan is an award-winning Customer Success leader who has transformed CS leaders into award-winning executive team leaders. She has served as VP of Client Services for two successfully exited startups. 

Since 2016, Jan has been coaching and advising founders, startups, and Customer Success leaders on increasing revenue, go-to-market alignment, and customer-led growth.  Her holistic approach has developed over time working in technology and startups since 2001 in various roles, including Marketing, Sales, Account Management, Project Manager, Product Owner, Professional Services, and Customer Success.

Connect with Jan

Course curriculum

This course is designed for CROs with responsibility for CS but no experience in post-sales motions, CMOs wanting to understand post-sales revenue for customer marketing messaging and goals, and CS leaders struggling with a systematic approach to improving retention.

Session 1:
Retention Assessment


By the end of this class, you will be able to:

  • Identify your retention rates correctly
  • Identify the processes you use to retain your customers successfully
  • Improve customer retention by identifying and correcting systemic challenges

Session 2:
Retention Strategies & Playbooks


By the end of this class, you will be able to:

  • Build your strategies and playbooks for Enterprise vs Mid-Market vs SMB
  • Build your strategies and playbooks for monthly, annual, and multi-year deals and variations of business models

Session 3:
Team Structure, Workflows, Communication, Training


By the end of this class, you will be able to:

  • Identify challenges in your current system and identify your optimal team structure
  • Build a plan to address any challenges or communication gaps in your current workflows
  • Build your optimal team structure by identifying any needed tools, processes, and skill gaps

Session 4:
Projections vs Quotas


By the end of this class, you will be able to:

  • Identify key factors and data contributing to and signal renewals for your customer base and product(s)
  • Build renewal projections, quotas, and pipelines for your business model, customer base segments, and product(s)

Expected Results

By the end of this school, you will have the knowledge and skills to be able to:

  • Identify the challenges to improving retention at your company
  • Build a plan to improve retention at your company that is appropriate for your business model, customer base segments, and product(s).
  • Identify the current & optimal team structure, workflow, communication, tools, and skills needed to improve customer retention for your business model, customer base segments, and product(s).
  • Identify and build your retention strategy and playbooks to improve your retention rates.
  • Identify and build retention projections and pipelines.

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A man having a thoughtful conversation with others.

Course FAQ

This program is included in the cost of a Pavilion Membership. Not a member? Join now.

At this time, this program is open to Pavilion Members only. Join Pavilion to enroll for free.

Enrollment has closed.

Yes, 100% attendance is required. We recommend that participants attend the live sessions for the optimal learning experience.

However, watching session recordings counts toward attendance for those with scheduling conflicts or in time zones where live attendance is a challenge.

Yes, session recordings are available if you cannot attend live.

No, there is no final exam at the end of this course.

After successfully meeting attendance requirements, you will receive a certificate of completion for this program.

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