3 min read
Bi-Weekly Recap: Event Highlights from April 16 - 30, 2021 We’re back with another ICYMI bi-weekly event recap of our busy Revenue Collective and Operations Collective events calendar (now Pavilion). In …
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2 min read
How Us in Technology Is Closing the Industry's Diversity Gap At her first job in tech, Alexis Matthews, co-chair of Revenue Collective of Color (now Pavilion of Color), found that she was one of only three …
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2 min read
The Powerful Impact of Self Compassion We are actively building out our learning programs at Revenue Collective (now Pavilion) — in fact, we’ll be announcing up to eight new “Schools” over …
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3 min read
How to Craft Winning Proposals There’s an art to winning business through perfect business proposals or RFPs. Responding to RFPs takes a lot of time, but done right, good business …
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2 min read
Bi-Weekly Recap: Event Highlights from April 1-15, 2021 We’re back with another ICYMI bi-weekly event recap of our jam-packed Revenue Collective and Operations Collective (now Pavilion) events calendar. …
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6 min read
Sales is Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changing — Commissioning Should, Too David Bowie’s hit “Changes” was released in 1971… almost fifty years ago today. A lot has changed over the last five decades across every element of …
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2 min read
Don't Fumble the Handoff: 3 Tips for Successful Sales to CS Transitions  Making a sale feels great, but when it comes to building a long-term relationship with a customer, it’s not the end of the journey. The period right …
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2 min read
Bi-Weekly Recap: Event Highlights from March 13-31, 2021 Expanding our community means expanding our offering. With an average of about 30 events a week upcoming in April alone, Pavilion (formerly Revenue …
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