I'm taking over an established team and becoming a new VP of Product Marketing & Strategy over a senior director-level PMM and her team.
I've done this a couple of times... taking over an established team.. but it is filled with so much emotion and friction when there is a senior person who is skeptical of a new person in a higher role.
The question for you is how do you establish respect and alignment quickly? If you identify bad behaviors, how do you quickly nip those in the bud without alienating the team?
Dear Leader,
This is such a good question. To be honest, I feel this one. I’ve been there - on both sides. So here goes my advice: Get into the trenches with her.
Establish that you are a team and that team members stand shoulder to shoulder and look out for each other. She may feel uncomfortable with it at first, but keep showing up, keep conveying your good intentions, and keep reminding her that you count on her. In your words and in your behaviors, express that she can also count on you.
Start small. Ask for her opinions and recommendations. Ask her where the function needs reinforcement. Ask her what is going right - and what is going wrong. Show her that you are listening. Implement some of her suggestions. Fulfill some of her requests. Earn her trust. True leaders clear obstacles for their teams to execute efficiently and effectively. What does she need to do her job better, and can you provide her with any of that?
As for any potential bad behavior from her or her team, call it out privately and with tact and respect, but speak to it head-on. Be specific, be direct, be kind, and be firm. Make it known that it's no longer acceptable behavior, and move on. There's no need to beat it to death; you've set the boundaries. Your new team has the opportunity to choose differently. (Hopefully, they do!)
If not, it may become toxic, and it is best to nip those in the bud quickly. Know that you tried to make it work, and the fact that it isn’t is less about you. It’s not personal. Moving forward, you were hired as a leader, and your peers are counting on you to shape up and shore up the function, align to company priorities and direction, and drive growth. A toxic team member will only be an obstacle.
a.k.a. Ask Amanda
Ask Amanda is an advice column for you to anonymously submit questions about the soft skills and hard topics you need to master as a go-to-market leader.
With a deep understanding of how EQ shapes decision-making, team dynamics, and lasting success, Amanda McGuckin Hager of TrueDialog is here to help you unlock your leadership potential, one question at a time.
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Amanda is currently the CMO of TrueDialog. She developed her business acumen by repeatedly scaling metrics and creating value for a number of VC-backed startups (YouEarnedIt, BlackLocus, Infochimps), and established technology companies like: Rackspace, Dell, SolarWinds (Forbes #1 Best Small Company in America), NetQoS (bought by CA), PeopleAdmin (a Vista Equity Portfolio Co), and Pervasive Software. She is a longtime startup mentor at Capital Factory and Tech Stars Austin. Amanda is an accomplished speaker, board member, and advisor who believes in integrity, the value of community, and the power of connection. She has lived and volunteered in Austin for nearly 30 years.